An efficient apartment sales service at a reasonable price

Myyntiturva sells apartments for a fixed, reasonable commission. We specialize in the sale of apartments located in limited liability housing companies.

We can offer you a personal and comprehensive apartment sales service. Our professional agents can take care of everything on your behalf, from start to finish.

We’ll sell your property on your behalf

Euron kolikko

Reasonable commissions

We can offer fixed, reasonable commissions because a large number of property investors have placed their trust in us. They avoid unnecessary costs and keep our work at a good, steady level. That’s how we are able to offer extremely competitive fixed commissions to all of our customers.

Apart from the fixed commission, the only other cost is the fee payable for the house manager's certificate.


  • One room 3,300 €
  • Two rooms 4,500 €
  • Three rooms 5,700 €
  • Larger 8,800 €
Vihreä suurennuslasi

We’ll value your apartment correctly the first time

Our agent will carefully inspect your apartment, propose a suitable asking price for you based on completed sales in the area, and immediately get to work.


A wide range of marketing

In addition to effective online and video marketing on Oikotie, Etuovi and our website, we also list apartments with pictures in Helsingin Sanomat and local newspapers. 



Showing your apartment

Our agent will show your apartment to prospective buyers. We use a very wide range of effective digital methods to show your apartment, such as video showings. Prospective buyers can also view the property in public showings and in private showings organised for individuals or small groups based on customers’ wishes.

Vihreät avaimet

Negotiations and sale

As soon as we have negotiated a solution that satisfies both you and the buyer, our agent will take care of the rest of the sale arrangements on your behalf. The sale can take place either as normal at the bank or, alternatively, as a fully digital process using the secure Dias service.


In this section we have compiled a comprehensive list of useful information for potential sellers. If you don't find what you are looking for, you can also ask our experts. Our contact details are below. 

Contact request

Submit a contact request and our agent will contact you to get things moving. If you want to call us right away, you can reach us on +358 10 2327 400

Information about the property

The information entered in the form will be emailed to Vuokraturva Customer Service. Read more in our privacy policy.
Asiakkaiden arvosteluita
1 year 5 months ago

Asiantuntevaa, mutkatonta ja inhimillistä palvelua, mikä ei ole valitettavasti tänä päivänä itsestään selvää. Annan mielelläni posia, kun sen paikka on – Vahva suositus!

posted on
Marika Halme
1 year 9 months ago

Kaikki meni sujuvasti, ei mitään moitittavaa. Täys kymppi työstä 😀

posted on
Hannele Cadiroglu
2 years 9 months ago

Olen 100% tyytyväinen. Asiat hoidettiin mallikkaasti. Suosittelen lämpimästi.

posted on
Päivi Tulenheimo
3 years 9 months ago

Kaikki sujui hienosti. Vuokra-asunto löytyi päivässä. Vanha asunto meni kaupaksi hyvään hintaan ensimmäisellä näytöllä. Välityspalkkio kohtuullinen. Ei mitään valittamista.

posted on
Jari Järvinen
3 years 9 months ago

Ammattimainen välityspalvelu välityssopimusta tehdessä ja myyntiaineiston ja kaupan asiakirjojen laatiminen.

posted on
Koli Heikki
2 years 9 months ago
posted on
Maria Suoheimo
2 years 9 months ago
posted on